Thoughts on Joan Rivers & Robin Williams


joan riversIt is sad to hear about Joan Rivers’ passing- and I send condolences to her family and her fans. While watching at Joan on TV, that the Lord revealed to me that she would die. I was really surprised, as Joan Rivers looked so spry and energetic- and wondered how that could happen. Amazingly, in what sounded to be a simple procedure, Joan just stopped breathing, her heart stopped, she was then on life support- and then on September 4, 2014- she died.

God has also now shown a couple of other deaths, which I will record privately and see what happens. In Amos 3:7- the Bible states that God never does anything on this earth but that He first discloses it to His prophets. It is so encouraging to see how God always fulfills His words. All I could pray for Joan was that Jesus would appear to her, while she was in a coma, as our spirit still sees, hears and knows all that is going around- and I pray that she was able to accept Him- and go Home, saved.

I did not know that Robin Williams would die- but found it very interesting that he was repeatedly described as being tormented by demons. The reporters were so right. There are many ways in which demons can enter people and one of them is through the use of drugs.

Williams had admittedly used cocaine for many years- and also apparently had intentionally asked demons, by Williams’ own admission, to help him perform. How sad- as people cannot ask for things from demons, who are connected to the devil-Satan- Lucifer- without paying back with their lives. I have seen it happen again and again and again.

Robin was a good person- and I had been so touched to have learned that when his close friend, Superman-Christopher Reeves died, Robin promised to help care for Reeves’ son. Robin had allegedly previously prayed to accept Jesus in His life and several people had expressed hope that he truly did so, just before he died. Hopefully so.

In the meantime, two very famous people have died- and I already know of a third one coming soon.

As we never know from one second to the next, when our time is up- it might be good to consider the State of our Heart- and see where we stand with God. I can only tell you that knowing God and being close to Him- is better than anything one can have in this world.