The Four Blood Moons


Dear Everyone,

Lately, it seems that everywhere I turn and what I read , an issue which keeps coming up relates to the FOUR BLOOD MOONS.

I had never heard that term before until I heard Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, talk about it, a few weeks ago. He now also has a book out on the same subject; and I have recently also come across this concept in the book: Zenith 2016 by Thomas Horn.

It is an amazing apparent series of events which seem to have a lot to do with end time prophecies, which are always of  great interest to me- and I thought you might enjoy learning about them , as well.

Although the events which are alleged to coincide with such ‘BLOOD MOONS” which is the description of TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSES,   do not seem to have occurred exactly on the same date of such moons, the apparent coincidences, however, cannot be totally ignored .

The next BLOOD MOONS are scheduled to take place, on Jewish Holidays, as follows”

PASSOVER —  April 15, 2014    and on       SUKKOT, October 8, 2014

PASSOVER—- April 4, 2015    and on      SUKKOT,  September 28, 2015

Then the following SOLAR   events are scheduled to take place:

A TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on March 20, 2015, which is close to the PASSOVER.

with another PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on—SeptEmber 13, 2015– the  JEWISH NEW YEAR.

The only other known BLOOD MOON  events  happened 7 times in the 1500’s but not on Jewish Holidays; with none occurring for the next 300 years.

In 1949 and 1950  FOUR BLOOD MOONS had  happened   in two sequences on PASSOVER and on the FEAST OF TABERNACLES.  ISRAEL BECAME A NATION  in MAY, 1948—   and I was living in Israel  at the time- and you cannot imagine the jubilation that  existed throughout the whole country, at that time.

Amazingly ,  the last prior FOUR BLOOD MOONS   had  happened on JEWISH holidays in 1967, when ISRAEL  had RECAPTURED JERUSALEM.  I believe Pastor John Hagee has also stated that the same FOUR BLOOD MOONS had occurred around 1492 when the Jews had been cast out of Spain, after much persecution by the Inquisition; and when Columbus had discovered America.

So why is the next series of BLOOD MOONS, so significant:

In the bible,   the Book of Joel– chapter 2, verse 31, tells us the following:


This above verse is why the  upcoming FOUR BLOOD MOONS and SOLAR ECLIPSES, are so important and significant to me.

The Lord Jesus Christ has let me know that He is coming back in MY LIFETIME- and  it seems that the events in question will not only happen very, very soon, and therefore, most likely in my lifetime;  but also as they are stated to usher in THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD.

Whether they usher in the Tribulation period described in the bible or the actual return of the Lord Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, is not important.  What is important is that they indicate that   JESUS’ RETURN TO EARTH IS IMMINENT.

HOW IMPORTANT IT IS THEN FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US TO ACCEPT JESUS INTO OUR HEARTS- SO THAT WE CAN INSURE THAT WE ARE AND/OR WILL BE A PART OF HIS KINGDOM-  and live with Him on this earth, which He will rule with peace and joy and prosperity– Amen and Amen!

I also feel it is very important for me to note the following:

Whether people like the Jewish people or not and whether people like Israel or not- and I am very familiar with all the points of view in that regard–  WE CANNOT IGNORE THE FACT THAT  ALL WORLD EVENTS ALWAYS INVOLVE THE JEWISH PEOPLE, THE JEWISH RELIGION, THE JEWISH HOLIDAYS, THE ADVENT OF JESUS, A JEW; CHRISTIANITY AND ISRAEL.

Having been born in Jerusalem when it was still in Palestine, I have lived the history of that place and am so very much aware of how important this city is to Judaism, Christianty and Isalm.  However, God still chose the Jewish people, the descendants from the original twelve tribes of the sons of the Patriarch Jacob ( who was the son of the Patriarch Isaac , who was the son of Patriarch Abraham)  around which to  determine the events of this world; and to ignore that fact is to ignore the One who really is in charge of this world-  EL ELYON, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE UNIVERSE.-

He is the God who, out of HIS TOTAL LOVE FOR HUMANITY, HAD PERMITTED HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, TO BE SACRIFICED AND TO SHED HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD,  so that we, his creation, would have a way to return to Him and escape the horrible life which the REBEL ANGEL– LUCIFER, SATAN, THE DEVIL, has set up on this earth to which he had been banished by God. due to Satan’s pride.

Let him who has eyes and ears see and hear– and take heed.  As a prophet, I am a WATCHMAN ON THE WALL- there to be able to see upcoming events so as to be able to warn the people of oncoming danger, if any; and so that they can act in ways to save themselves, their families and their possessions!

Have a blessed day.  With Jesus’ great love, judge eve


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