Spiritual Warfare



As a Christian, once we have accepted Jesus into our hearts, we start hearing about all of kinds of concepts, which we might have never heard before becoming saved. 

 One such concept is SPIRITUAL WARFARE. You might immediately reply that this concept does not make sense, for Jesus teaches us to LOVE everybody.  How come now we are talking about war?

 Well. this is where there is a great confusion in the Body of Christ.  Psalm 97:!0- tells us to love the Lord and hate evil. 

1st Peter 5:8, tells us how evil satan is, and tells us to be sober and vigilant, for satan is as a roaring lion , seeking whom he may devour. 

While we are always seek to love all people , whom we see in the physical world, we are to also be on guard against the evil , which is not seen in our physical world, and includes satan and his demons.  Good angels of God operate at a higher frequency than do our physical bodies, and can therefoe not be seen by our physical eyes.

 It is commonly known that dogs and cats , and other animals, have a much higher range of sight and hearing, and therefore, are able to see spiritual beings, which we do not see.  However, those beings are as real as are you and I– and we just need to know how to get to see them  or perceive them or know of their presence.

 If they are good beings, that is wonderful— but as we are told that 1/3 of the angels fell with Satan, we have to understand that there are also those evil beings (or demons) who exist in that realm.  Since they are evil and want to harm us, we need to be aware of their existence and know how to come against them and stop them. In 2nd Corinthians 2:`11  we are told “not to be ignorant of the wiles of the enemy”  and let me tell you, from my knowledge, the enemy does many devious schemes.

As Christians, spiritual warfare is important because we have to know how to recognize and stop Satan and his demons- and RESCUE ourselves, out of their plans and hands. Be sure to read every single word of this article, as I will be sharing information that could save you and your loved ones from heartache and grief.


 God’s desire is to save our soul and to lift it up to a higher , positive and healthful way of living, as well as for insuring that , upon death, our saved soul, resides in heaven , with  God, forever and ever.

 Satan’s desire is to get all the souls of men to his side. He wants to turn you away from God, and expand his kingdom. Satan was exiled from heaven because he wanted to become bigger than God.  If he can keep souls away from salvation and from God, God would have less people in His kingdom; and if Satan can sway those people to come to his side, then Satan thinks he can have the bigger kingdom and be bigger than God.

Proverbs 16:18 tells us, that “pride comes before the fall.” That is what had happened to Satan, and he still thinks he can be full of pride and  be bigger than God– which is a big mistake on his part. 

 The  other reason, I have come to learn. to cause constant strife and conflict within mankind. Satan lives off of our negative emotional reactions, so the more pain he can inflict upon us, the more food he and his demons get. 

Well, not only do I want to serve my God, my Jesus and my Holy Spirit, but also I certainly do NOT want to be food for Satan and his demons.

Spiritual warfare exists so as to allow God’s people to fight a good fight of faith, to keep Satan and his demons away from stopping and stealing our salvation, our service to God and our fellowship with God, and also so as to stop feeding Satan and his demons, with our negative emotional reactions.

Please keep reading, as I will discuss how to keep from having those negative emotional reactions, their effect on us, and why God’s word, the Bible, repeatedly tells us to be in a positive state of mind.

So one way to keep from having negative emotional reactions, has been suggested years ago in a book called , THE 30 DAY MENTAL DIET FOR POSITIVE THINKING, by Emmet Fox.

In this book he recommends that for thirty days, we make the conscious effort to replace each negative thought, immediately, with three  positive ones.  It is not easy to do, for as we have the fallen nature in us, through Adam’s and Eve’s fall in the Garden of Eden, when they had allowed themselves to learn of good and evil through satan’s deception, we ALL  tend always to have negative reactions to whatever comes our way.

I , too, am guilty the same reactions and am daily shown, how though I teach these things, I am also still very much a work in progress.

The reason for so substituting the 3 positive thoughts, is as the mind can only think of one thing at a time, we are forcing it to dwell on positive thoughts to replace whatever negative thought we then have in our head- such as fear, anxiety, depression, worry, feeling of inadequacy, and any like those which declare us to be less than the wonderful creations God had made us to be.


As any habit can allegedly be changed in 30 days, doing the above, really helps.  If nothing, else, it makes us conscious, of what we need to do– and DISCOVEREY  is 50% OF VICTORY.


For you, see, we are also told in Ephesians, to GIVE SATAN NO PLACE. Satan enters our thinking through our NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, so not only are they food for him ad his demons, but they also constitute gateways, for his entry into our minds- so as to make us even more miserable and doing his purposes.


So, please consider these thoughts carefully, and work on becoming the exquisite being our Lord God of Heaven, Has made each of us to be

I would also like to add that we should be aware that HIGH LEVEL DEMONS have been assigned by satan to nations.

I have just returned from Nigeria, a country so reviled for the alleged cheating and fraud that comes out from there- and now also a place plagued by terrorist activities by BOKO HARAM, who kidnap and kill people.


I was so aware of the satanic influence over this country- where 80 percent of its 200 million people are Christians- and yet live in such abject poverty, that it is heartbreaking.


I saw, a black, toffee like cloud over this country- which can only be broken through by focused prayers, which go through that cloud and cut through it, like LASER  beams.

God Has also given me a vision of Nigeria, as follows:

The map of Nigeria was elevated like a 3 D structure over the earth and was surrounded with a bronzy- golden light of the Holy Spirit.

I did not understand the Bronzy color, other than to show that it has been overshadowed by evil, especially, as I always see the Holy Spirit, as a pure and bright Golden Light.


A few days later, the Lord showed me that image surrounded by a PURE BRILLIANT WHITE FENCE- and let me understand , that Nigeria will be cleansed, be a model to Africa and then to the nations of the earth.

Did you know that Nigeria is the 5th largest oil producing country in the world, and has many natural resources, but the wealth is kept by leadership and not shared with the people.

My heart is to help the people of that country- and there will be an amazing and quick turnaround for it, in the mighty name of Jesus and by and through His blood, amen and amen!


I love you all, and pray that all of this information , blesses each and every one of you- in the mighty name of OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST,  judge eve