The Bible tells us that in the end times there will be many false prophets. What they do, is pretend to give a word from GOD, but instead “tickle the people’s ears.” In other words, tell people things those false prophets -think- the people would like to hear, which may or may not be from God.

The pattern is amazingly always the same. No matter what is really going on in the world, nor what does God have to say about it, but they say ONLY good and positive sounding things, for which, they expect to get compensation.

God tells us that when we are His true prophets, that freely we have received, so freely we should give. If it is on the people’s hearts, who benefit from the prophet’s help, to make a donation to that prophet, they will be blessed for doing so. However, when it is demanded by said prophet that the people give him or her money– then they are NOT from God, but merchants of the Word of God.

We know what Jesus did  to the tables of the Money Changers in the temple- being so angry, that merchandise was being sold in the House of God, He, Jesus, turned over their tables and chased away the animals they were selling.

I , too, get so upset, when I see, today’s so-called prophets- use any means they can to profit , in the wrong way, from preaching the Word of God.

One such alleged prophet, says she got saved in jail in 2015, and now claims to be a prophet. All I see in her words is COPIES OF WORDS FROM THE BOOKS OF FORMER PROPHETS, without even giving them proper credit; and asking people to give her a million dollars– UNBELIEVABLE– and she will have to account to our Lord, for this MERCHANDISING OF HIS WORD.

One other like that is BENNY HINN, who has now even been outed by his own nephew, Costi Hinn.

I got to meet Benny on two occasions. On the first one, he visibly trembled when my friend who introduced me told him I was born in Jerusalem. We could both tell he felt threatened by that fact, as he had been born in Jaffa and at times, had even made people think he was Jewish, which he is not.

The second occasion took place at a birthday celebration for Pat Robertson, of CBN, at the Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, California. At that time, the Lord just showed me everything about each of Benny’s 4 children. He looked at me in amazement and asked: ” HOW DO YOU KNOW ALL OF THIS?”

I was shocked- as I thought that as an evangelist and an alleged prophet himself, Benny would have know that it was the Holy Spirit who had given me that information- for how else would I know it.

Later, I found out from people who knew Benny in Canada, before he became famous- how he had worked in an ice cream parlor; went to the USA, on some mysterious trip; and afterwards , changed his name, and became this ” famous evangelist”; and that he absolutely did not have any prophetic abilities.

Well, since then , we have all found that to be so- yet, Benny , had made hundreds of millions of dollars.

There is nothing wrong with being very wealthy in the Kingdom of God- as many of the patriarchs and others in the Bible were extremely wealthy. However, it is wrong when that wealth is accumulated by DECEPTION.

There are others in the same class of this kind of deception– with new theories springing up in the BODY OF CHRIST. However, God is NOT about theories nor about movements. It should always be about what the WORD OF GOD provides- and walking in its instructions- including walking in all the Gifts of the Spirit, allocated to each believer in Jesus Christ.

We need to ask the Lord to give us SUBTLE DISCERNMENT, about who we deal with and about what they say, for the Lord Had let me know, about 30 years ago, now– that SATAN IS ENGAGING IN SUBTLE DECEPTION.

I pray for each and every one of you, dear readers, to be greatly blessed in every area of your lives- but to keep your ears and eyes open- about the real conditions facing up in the world, nowadays.

With Jesus’ great love, judge eve ellingwood cohen