The most beloved and very well known evangelist, BILLY GRAHAM, passed away at the age of 99, about an hour ago, at about 5:15 am Pacific Standard Time.

I was so moved to hear about it, that even though I am still in bed, I just had to write this article about him.

In the midst of so many bad things happening in our country and in our world, a LIGHT OF GOD , has just been taken off Planet Earth.  For Billy, as everyone called him, it is eternal joy and wonderment, finally to be with God and Billy’s Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST, in Heaven, Billy’s and all believers’ real home; and to be finally reunited with his very beloved wife, Ruth.

Billy had ministered in over 185 countries to over 215,000,000 million people in person plus to hundreds of millions more on television and on radio. He would have gatherings in stadiums all over the world- just preaching the Word of God and the need to accept Jesus in one’s heart.  Stadiums would be filled with people listening to this one man, who was so greatly anointed and full of zeal for Jesus, preach his heart out about the need to know God and to accept Jesus in one’s heart; and then literally thousands would come forward at the end of that preaching, at each such meeting, to accept Jesus in their lives.

Billy was a very humble man, who had met with 12 presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, since President Truman, and our current President Trump was also so very much taken by Billy.

Billy was a humble man, who loved everyone , no matter who they were nor were they came from, nor what color they were nor what religion.  He truly demonstrated and lived the LOVE OF GOD, which is what so attracted all people to him and through him to Jesus.

After getting saved, on February 7, 1974, I loved watching Billy’s crusades on television- an could not get enough of listening to him preach the Word of God.

I later had the privilege of meeting him in person.  It was at a dinner in Hollywood.  He sat at a table near mine.  I went to say Hi to him, and he was not upset nor angry that I had done so.  He shook my hand , stood up to greet me, and I will never forget the LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, which exuded from him.  What a blessing.

Interestingly, my Dad who had been so upset at my accepting Jesus in my life, had told me, that he was sure that he had met Billy Graham in Jerusalem, where my Dad said, Billy had allegedly come to preach.  My Dad said that that evangelist, gave my parents bibles and tried to convert them to Jesus; that my Dad caused that evangelist to take my Dad to breakfast , lunch and dinner, for two days in a row; and my Dad then proudly stated, that this evangelist, who he was sure was  Billy Graham, did not succeed in converting my Dad and Mom.  My Dad also stated that who he thought was Billy Graham, then went to minister to the Arabs in Jordan where he was shot, and had to be brought back to Israel, to be treated.

In thinking about my Dad’s words, I later realized– that evangelist got his wish and had his prayers answered, for I am the one who got saved through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; and although my a’s mind had been affected due to the medicines my sister had given my Dad, on the way to killing him, my Dad did say yes to me, when I asked him if he would accept Yeshua- Jesus in his heart.

I had written the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, to tell them what my Dad had told me about Billy.  They responded that it was not Billy with whom my Dad had allegedly met.

Isn’t it interesting?!!

My Dad had told me that if my family had not come to the United States, a Christian country, I would not have been able to accept Jesus in my life, as Israel is a Jewish state.  However, apparently, a minister of the gospel had not only gone to that Jewish state, but had even ministered to my Dad–

The lesson is– GOD WILL FIND US WHEREVER WE ARE- Praise God!

BILLY- you will be sorely missed– during your ministry, the love of God and Jesus was so manifest and felt in America, and people treated each other with love and kindness- as compared to today, where there are killings and thefts, and hatred, even in the churches, for God has been abandoned by so many.

How I long to bring back that Spirit of the Lord, of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit, in full force and action to America and to the world.

We love you, BILLY GRAHAM, and thank you for bringing us the LOVE OF GOD, by teaching God’s Word, and by making the BIBLE, come alive for so many of us.

May your legacy, and through you, the legacy of Jesus Christ- abound on earth, ever more, in the mighty name of Jesus and by and through His blood, amen and amen!

I LOVE YOU ALL, AND EACH OF YOU, with the everlasting love of God,   judge eve