My Dream with Barack Obama on December 3, 2013


|\Dear Everyone,

In the bible, the judge-prophet Deborah  had worked alongside general Barak, often giving him a word from the Lord.

Being a retired judge and a prophet myself, I have recently come to think about Deborah again and have reread her story in the book of JUDGES 4:4.  In this chapter we are told how Deborah had given Barak a word from the Lord to the effect that he, Barak, would defeat SISERA,  the captain of the enemy; and that is, in fact, what had happened.

This story is particularly interesting to me, as last night I had a vivid dream that I was having a very private conversation with our president, BARACK OBAMA.

I do not recall all the details, but it was a very vivid dream– and maybe not even a dream. Prophets in the bible had been enabled to go in the spirit to other locations, and in fact one,  Samuel, had been to the bedroom of the KING OF SYRIA,  found out his battle plans and disclosed them to the Israelite king,  thus enabling the Israelites to win their battle with Syria.

In my dream-vision,  I told this Barack that he can no longer pretend that he is a Christian, but MUST accept Jesus in his heart, to be truly a believer.  I felt that Obama was really listening  to what I had to say- and then I was awakened.

Oh, it would be so wonderful to have the leader of America and of the Free World truly be a follower of the MOST HIGH GOD- as then how differently he would rule- how wonderfully thing s will turn  around in our country– and what a REVIVAL WE WOULD HAVE. Praise God!

If I learn anything further on this issue, I will let you all know of it.

God bless you all and please pray for Obama- as we are instructed in the bible to pray for those in authority.

With Jesus’ great love, judge eve

Added on Wednesday, December 4, 2013–

The Lord has just reminded me of the fact that when RONALD REAGAN was president, I had a series of visions where I had visited him in the spirit at the White House and at one other location.

A couple of those involved my being in  the bedroom at the White House.  I saw the large orange curling flowers with brown in them on the wall behind the head of the bed; the padded light tan headboard of the bed with the flower design in it and the dark wood border surrounding it.  Those visions had happened on two occasions and I saw the pajamas he was wearing each time; and told him he needed to appoint a certain person to a certain position.

The next one, was in the breakfast room in White House. The walls were very light yellow  and Reagan was just getting up from the breakfast table and putting his navy suit jacket on, ready to leave; and the chairs were early American looking  with two arches, one within the other, forming the back of the chairs.

Shortly afterwards I was visiting the White House, with a friend, during a convention we had attended in Washington, DC, of the FULL GOSPEL BUSINESSMEN’S FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL. We were on the regular tour, but my friend knew one of the guards who took us inside and gave us a book about the private rooms in the White House- and I could not believe it, the décor in the bedroom was exactly with the orange flowers as I had seen them; and the guard who had been to the private rooms, said the headboard was as I had seen it; as were the kitchen breakfast room chairs- and that the walls in that room were actually a pale tan.

I had also seen Reagan, on another occasion, in the OVAL OFFICE- saw the two couches facing each other in that room and the deeply embedded flowers design in the light tan material- and the guard confirmed that, as well; as did pictures on the walls.  I was and am truly in awe of the Lord.

On one other occasion, on April 15 , tax day of that particular year- I was literally placed in a trance in my hearing room at work. I saw Reagan sitting at his desk in the Oval office ( it was about 11 am EST) and particularly noted his tie as it was dark with red dots all over it. This was right after a Jewish concentration camp survivor, had berated Reagan on TV– for Reagan’s visiting concentration camps in Europe.  I told Reagan I was sorry for the way that person had talked about him.

Later that day I met for lunch with other people in the office and told them what I had seen.  At 6 pm  PST that night, when Reagan was on TV talking to the nation about taxes, he was wearing that EXACT SAME TIE- I could not believe it- nor could  my co-workers, as they had shared with me the next day.

I also just recalled- that when I was talking to Obama in yesterday’s dream- we were standing face to face, next to deeper yellow colored wall.

Anyway, Praise God , for all of it– and thought you would all enjoy hearing about this.

Have a blessed day. With Jesus’ great love, judge eve