Judge Eve’s Message at Hope Fellowship Church in Brandon, Mississippi


I was so blessed to have ministered at Hope Fellowship Church in  Brandon, Mississippi, on Sunday, June 2, 2019, and to have been with my most gracious and wonderful Christian hosts, Pastor David Hertel and his lovely wife, Jo.

The whole situation was just miraculous and a real example of what the Lord, whom I call, the MASTER SET-UP, had set up here.

It came about, as a brother in the Lord, LYNN SHELDON,  had also been led of the Lord to write a book , so similar to mine called, NO MORE NAMBY PAMBY.

We each thought we had copied the title from the other. However, just as I had these words told to me by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, during my personal encounter with  Him, in the Blue-White light from Heaven, which had come upon me  on Christmas Day, 1989, Lynn was directly told by the Lord: “Don’t Be Namby Pamby.”

He feels his book is for men, and that mine is for women as I have a woman pictured on the cover, however, I think both books can be enjoyed by either or both men and women.

Lynn had then contacted me, and later had me appear on his new radio show, “God Fire.”

His co-host was pastor Dan Blacksher, and I later learned that he is the associate pastor for Hope Fellowship Church and is also a prophet.

Pastor Dan called me after the show and said he perceived that I was a prophet and a healer and had I ever ministered publicly, which I said I had all over the USA and on tv and radio, for over 20 years.

He then asked if I would appear at his church on the first Sunday in June, to begin the HEALING REVIVAL month the pastor had declared June to be, and I was led to accept.

When we were talking, I saw a huge CLOVEN TONGUE OF FIRE, descend on the steeple of that church which I saw was on a  hill,  and I thought was in Jackson, the capitol city of Mississippi; and was led to say that REVIVAL would start from that church which will go all across the United States.

Pastor Dan said that I confirmed what the church had been told previously.

He called me back a little while later, and said what I did not know is that Jackson is comprised of seven sections, one of which is BRANDON,  where the church is situated and is on the only hill and highest one in the area; and that the meaning of the word BRANDON, was MOUNTAIN OF FIRE .

I was so touched to hear this confirmation of what the Lord Had shown me- and this was the beginning of some amazing things that later happened at the church, where I was SO BLESSED.