Follow up to my Dream-Vision with Barack Obama


Dear Everyone,

I promised that I will let you know of any further developments regarding the above of 12-3-13.

A few days ago, I googled the private residence at the White House, as I wanted to see  what it looks like now , under the Obamas.

I was shocked to discover that on the second floor, there is a YELLOW OVAL ROOM.  The color was the exact deeper shade I had seen in my dream-vision with Obama.  We were standing next to that  wall, facing each other- with my left  shoulder next to the wall; and Obama had his right shoulder next to the wall.

On Saturday, 12-7-13, I picked up a weekly magazine called the GLOBE- and in it it told how depressed Obama has been, due to all the rejection he is getting from the public for his unpopular policies; and as his approval rating has gone below 40%.

Understandably, Obama has brought all of those negative opinions on himself,  by pushing unpopular and unwanted policies on the American people.  I certainly do not like what he has has done.  However, our God loves all people and wishes  THAT ALL WOULD COME TO KNOW HIM.

I then urge you to pray for Obama’s salvation- as then surely, he will change his attitude and his policies;  and will do what God would have him do, not what Obama and/or his handlers want.  Even if you do not like him– Jesus went to the publicans and reached out to the prostitutes, as all human beings are valuable to him.  So, certainly, our Lord would welcome Obama with open arms.  So please consider this and make the effort to pray for Obama.


The article went on to say, that he has not been eating nor sleeping and not even talking to his wife; and that he has been wandering the residence at night.  I was just amazed, as I am sure that that is why the Lord Has allowed me to have this encounter with Obama- to try and help him spiritually.  We’ll see if there will be any further confirmation to all of this.

I bless you all and thank you for following my blogs. With Jesus’ great love, judge eve


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