God has created man in HIS image, and we are told in many places in the bible, about God’s human qualities, such as GOD LAUGHS.

We are also told that God so loved the world that He gave His only beloved son to be a sacrifice for us, so that we all would have a chance to come to the knowledge of God- and also, really, to have access to him.

We are also told that God knows every hair on our head– can you imagine that, I don’t know how many hairs I have, yet God know each and every hair on the heads of each and every human being in the world, or of about  7 billion people.

Isn’t that an awesome thing to know and to wonder about in our loving God.


God also knows when a sparrow falls and dies- which is just so amazing for me to contemplate.


As a prophet, the Lord let me know about a year ago, how sensitive He is.  We know God to be all powerful, knows all, is everywhere and can control everything.  Yet, that same awesome being, our creator, has such a sensitive and loving heart, that we cannot even imagine.


I have sat in God’s lap and I cannot begin to tell you the love that emanates from Him.  If we could sense that love on earth, there would be no wars nor people mistreating others.  There would be such a desire to love others as ourselves, as the Bible tells us to do – and we would have no wars and no crime.  How I long for that day when Jesus will return to earth and we will have God’s kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven.  Amen!

So what does all of this have to do with emotions?  Everything.


For when we are sensitive and love, we become so very careful not to hurt other people’s feelings- for we would know how much doing so would hurt them.  We then act in such ways as to help others and lift them up in every way we can- instead of criticizing them or taking advantage of them, for we would feel their hurts , if we did so.


Contrary to God, satan and his demons, have no emotions whatsoever. They do all , just to advance their agenda without regard to people’s feelings and without caring whether they are hurting the people or not.

How sad to be possessed or oppressed by such entities which then cause human beings to act like them- in totally selfish, uncaring ways, for all demons want is what they want and when they want it/

So, why are emotions important?

First, it is because we were created to have them by God, our creator.

Second, for then we feel what others feel and are then hopefully, are able to treat them better.

So, in future segments we will discuss what emotions God wants us to have and those He is against; how to improve the first ones and how to overcome the negative ones.

God bless you all and with Jesus’ great love, judge eve