Dr. Pat Robertson, Founder & Head of Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)


pat robertson trump

I was saddened to learn today that Dr. Pat Robertson, the founder and head of the CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK, known as CBN, has suffered a stroke.

I was glad that as a family member noticed there was something wrong, immediately rushed Dr. Robertson to a Stroke Center, where he was given a  clot dissolving medication and therefore will recover fully.  Praise God!

Although, Pat, as he is called by those who know him, is 87 years young, he has always watched his diet and exercised, and has encouraged his staff to do the same.  That is why I was surprised to hear that he had suffered a stroke, and prayed for him, as I am sure many others are doing.

I had the privilege to meet Pat when he ran for the presidency of the United States. At the time, he had stated that he would run only if he had 3 million people supporting him to do the same.  I helped in that effort, and found out later, that I was personally responsible for 200,000 of those names.  In fact, when he lost the election, Pat told me that if he had had 3,000 helpers like me , he would have won it.– I said– I KNOW, for  WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, in the mighty name of Jesus and by and through His blood, amen and amen!

I now, then continue to pray for Dr. Robertson’s complete and total healing, FOR BY JESUS’ STRIPES HE IS HEALED- and as he has many more things, yet to accomplish for the Kingdom of God.

I must say, that last night, when I was talking to a dear friend, who was also there for Pat’s presidential campaign, I had a feeling that something was either wrong with Pat or will be so.  Well, apparently that had already happened– but Praise God– Pat is already on the road to recovery and has not lost the use of any of his limbs.

We need to remember that we serve the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, who , in His mercy and grace and unfathomable love, Has given us , humans, the opportunity to know Him; and to be able to partake of His amazing SPIRITUAL POWERS, through His Beloved son and our Savior, JESUS CHRIST.

May all come to this same knowledge of our God, in Jesus’ mighty name , amen and amen- and thank you, Lord, for healing and restoring DR PAT ROBERTSON, to total wholeness, amen!

Blessings to you all and with Jesus’ great love, Judge Eve
