Attacks on Religious Freedoms in America Video


Dear Everyone,

So , here we go again!–  Let  Moslems, Hindus, Santaria followers and the like, , Jews, so far, and others have FREEDOM OF RELIGIONS,   EXCEPT FOR CHRISTIANS!

Interestingly, as a prophet, I have lived this restriction, in violation of my constitutional rights, in my own home.  My then husband,  who had divorced me because of my belief in Jesus , in response to my statement that:  ‘ IN AMERICA WE HAVE FREEDOM OF RELIGION , SPEECH AND ASEMBLY,”

he said, ‘ YES, EXCEPT FOR YOU,”  due to my belief in Jesus.

So, see, now all Christians are being told the same thing– YES, THE CONSTITUTION PROVIDES FOR FREEDOM OF RELIGION, SPEECH AND ASSEMBLY,


You need to ask yourselves WHY are only CHRISTIANS  being so prosecuted ?  I submit to you that it is because the others are AFRAID of the power of the NAME OF JESUS and of THE BLOOD OF JESUS.  Otherwise, why would there be such fear of anything connected to Jesus?

People are Not afraid of MOSES nor of MUHAMMED, nor of BUDDHA,  nor of other prophets in History. So, WHY SUCH A NEED TO GET RID OF ANY IMAGE AND/OR WRITING, SYMBOL, or anything else which demonstrates or talks about Chrstianity?

It is FEAR which comes from SATAN- the DEVIL – LUCIFER, a powerful being in his  own right- who, however, knows that GREATER IS THE GOD AND JESUS WHO IS WITHIIN US, BELIEVERS, THAN HE ( SATAN- THE DEVIL- LUCIFER) WHO IS IN THE WORLD; and , he therefore, moves people to destroy anything that would remind him the One who is stronger than this devil.

The above is also the reason the Devil has always  tried to get rid of the JEWS, through whom JESUS CAME and to whom He will return as their Messiah.   Interestingly, the KORAN, the book of Islam, also cannot ignore Jesus, where Jesus is called ISSA; and  in which an attempt is made to reduce JESUS’ DIVINITY, by saying that Jesus will work for the Moslem prophet and will act as this prophet’s executioner of Christians?

WHY, WHY, WHY– these continued demonstrations of fear of Jesus and His followers?   This country, America, had been founded on Judeo-Christian principles, for which reason it had been so blessed and so successful.  When you get those principles out of the way, another step is taken to lead CHRISTIANS AND JEWS TO CONCENTRATION CAMPS IN AMERICA.   As if the physical imprisonment of the  believers in God, could stop them from their spiritual side; and from praying- which factors can never be stopped.

You have to stand up for your constitutional rights, by repeatedly going to the media, at all levels, television, radio, newspapers, the internet and by whatever other means; and to your representatives at all levels- reminding them of your rights, the fact that you are suffering DISCRIMINATION- and to amend these hate actions against Christians.

If you do not do so now, you will lose the right to do so and in the very near future.

Have a blessed day, with Jesus’ great love, judge eve