You know, we so easily and often forget that we, each and every single one of us , has been created by the KING OF THE UNIVERSE.

God is all in all and the creator of good in the world.  Had satan not been able to deceive Adam and Eve, to stray away from God- we would have such a wonderful world, free of poverty, war, heartache and sickness.

I am writing this at the end of the week of the terror bombs sent to some of our former leaders; and today, Saturday, when multiple victims were show in a Jewish temple , TREE OF LIFE, in Pittsburgh= and both events just break my heart.

As Jesus Had told me in my personal encounter with Him on Christmas Day, 1989, almost 30 years ago, now, was that SATAN WAS UNLEASHING HIS HIGHEST PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS UPON THE EARTH, LIKE NEVER BEFORE, STARTING WITH JANUARY, 1990.

This is so as satan knows that his time is short before the return of Jesus and he is trying to kill, steal and destroy, as many people as possible, not only to benefit from their negative emotional reactions; but also to get as many away from Jesus and God, as possible.

However, GREATER IS HE ( GOD) WHO IS WITHIN US, than he ( satan) who is in the world- and we overcome and win/

In the meantime, we need to remember , who wonderfully and fearfully we have been made- look at how every function of our bodies, works so perfectly; look at the brain, God has given each of us, so that we can learn and improve our lives; and the heart he has given us, not only so as to sustain our physical bodies, but also so that we can be a vessel of His love to others.

Love OVERCOMETH  hate- and I pray that the Love of God be so shed abroad in your hearts, and in the heart of each of you, so that we become the LIGHT OF THE WORLD< through our JESUS , who is THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD< and bring little flickering lights into every situation we are in.

Please remember, you are more than conquerors and are hidden under the wings of our God, at all times.



I love you all and each of you– and speak blessings and favor on you and your whole life,  with Jesus’ great  love, judge eve