
Teacher At Bellevue High School Tells Conservative:
“Your Opinions Are Not Welcome Here”

Awful, but not unexpected in the atmosphere of this very liberal state. I live in Bellevue, Washington, which is next to Seattle. In Seattle, there is at least one professed COMMUNIST, serving on its City Council- Bellevue is supposed to be a little more conservative. So, I was just shocked to read this article:

This article includes a letter from one of the teachers at Bellevue High School, to the effect that CONSERVATIVES are NOT WELCOME at that school. This is a person who repeatedly, allegedly, wears, BLACK LIVES MATTER, T-shirts to school– in a state , where a football coach was not permitted to pray for his players.


Our country, America, was founded to PROTECT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and the rights of ALL of its citizens– but this teacher and a school, who has not admonished her- apparently, give SELECTIVE CIVIL RIGHTS to WHOMEVER THEY WISH.

That is what COMMUNIST COUNTRIES, LIKE CHINA and the FORMER RUSSIA- have done. This attitude and behavior DO NOT– belong in AMERICA.

God Has called me to be a SPIRITUAL WARRIOR = and to WREST THE LAND out of the hands of Satan- which I am doing right here and now, in the mighty name of Jesus and by and through His blood; and we are going to take and overtake and take more land, like KING DAVID DID IN ZIGLAG, in the BIBLE;

and we DECREE and thank you, Lord, that this teacher and school, will apologize for what they have said; and that they now be OPEN for other Americans’ opinions; that the students’ eyes will be opened to see the phoniness of those who claim to be LIBERAL and OPENMINDED, as long as, it is ONLY THEIR OPINION; and that they are then really going against the CONSTITUTION and laws of our United States; and bring our country back under those laws, all in the mighty name of Jesus and by and through his blood, amen and amen!

I challenge all of you to state your opinions and reactions to this article– and I WELCOME- BOTH LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE VIEWS, for such are what make AMERICA GREAT.

Many blessings to you, and with GOD’S great love,
Judge Eve